Hello Guys,
I have installed new Exchange 2013 with only mailbox rule.
Another servers have client rule.
Servers with mailbox rule only ( for DAG), have no ECP. I can see Exchange Administration Center on All Programs, but whet I open it, I get :
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
On IIS I see default site with only power shell published and Exchange Backend site with all exchange folders ( bindings configured for SSL port 444). Also, when I check servers from ecp of Client rule - there are no virtual directories to configure for ECP ( sounds reasonable for only mailbox rule).
Please confirm someone, there is no ECP on only mailbox rule servers?
Is it real? Sounds odd to me to administer servers only from another servers or PowerShell.