we have two separate forests (and two separate MSX orgs). We want to migrate to Exchange Online. The information I find states that we need to establish a trust-relationship between the ADs of both forests. Also it states that we run AAD Sync only in one forest and connect it to the other. I also read that Hybrid Configuration Wizard might fail, if we do not do what was written above.
So, I am wondering why would I need a AD trust? I would also want to know if you can't do the following in our case:
- Leave both environments as is
- run aad sync in both environments (there are only unique objects in the Ads)
- run HCW against one Org and do all the steps manually on the other Org (Org relationship)
- (if we decide to use ADFS, we could install it also in each forest separately)
Would this work also (X500 addresses would be written and updated, move requests would work, F/B, etc)?
Is there more detailed information available? Technet isn't really precise here (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj873754%28v=exchg.150%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396)
Thanks for all input!