Hi guys
I am trying to setup a Address List in exchange that contains dynamic distribution lists specified by the list name. So address List abc should contain dynamic distribution lists with list names "def" and "ghi" and "jkl"
So far I have come up with below which displays all dynamic distribution lists. this works but how can I now filter further to specific lists?
New-AddressList -Name abc -RecipientFilter {((Alias -ne $null) -and (ObjectClass -eq 'msexchdynamicdistributionlist'))}
Example of what I am trying to acheive:
New-AddressList -Name abc -RecipientFilter {((Alias -ne $null) -and ((ObjectClass -eq 'msexchdynamicdistributionlist') -and ('msexchdynamicdistributionlist' -eq 'def') -or ('msexchdynamicdistributionlist' -eq 'ghi') -or ('msexchdynamicdistributionlist' -eq 'jkl'))}