Exchange 2013 SP1 to a new server. I just realized that I have been asking migration questions on the "general" forum. Here's the deal:
We just want to move to a newer server and reuse the "old" server as a DAG member. We have a production exchange 2013 SP1 server and I found that the DB is not on a RAID'ed drive. So, we purchased a server. I installed 2012 R2 and all windows updates. Then installed exchange 2013 SP1. Then got our AS/AV software installed. When I boot the new server up and login to ECP, it sees all the exchange users, DB and info. So, I followed:
to migrate users and current email to the new DB. However, when users logged in their current email was not there. I also tried to use the ECP migration option and this resulted in the same, users old email was not in their inbox. So I had to perform that same process on the old DB to get users old email back. I then tried to use the migration option in the ECP->same issue. So as of now, we are on the old DB and things are working fine.
According to:
When moving from server to server, the DB filename must be the same. The non-production server does not have the same DB filename. Could this be the problem? Could someone point me to documentation on migrating from server to server