I am working on fixing Exchange 2007 being host on business server
Due to errors made by 3rd party contractor we had to change static IP address given by ISP.
deleivery error email stated
Could not deliver message to the following recipient(s):
Failed Recipient: grahame@??????????????.com.au
Reason: Remote host said: 601 Attempted to send the message to the following ip's:
-- The header and top 20 lines of the message follows --
This is old static IP address
Default Server:
> set type=mx
> ??????????????.com.au
Non-authoritative answer:
accurateroadrepairs.com.au MX preference = 0, mail exchanger = mail.accurateroadrepairs.com.au
??????????????????.com.au nameserver = ns22.myownserver.net
??????????????????.com.au nameserver = ns21.myownserver.net
mail.??????????????????.com.au internet address =
Question : where does nslookup obtain this ip address from?
is this no cache'd somewhere on the net and just waiting for a refreshed. (just like waiting for refresh to a change in the nameservers)
or is getting it from our srever- because I cannot find host or mx records for this IP
Not receiving external emails - doing I need to simple need to wait for the internet to catch to our IP change?
or is their something else I did to do.
Running Cisco Modem/Router with Nat active
Firewall checked and not blocking
and we are running a postmaster catch all on exchange.
Yours gratefully and thanking you in advance
Grahame Wheatley