I'm trying to install exchange server 2013 on windows server 2008 R2 standard on a dedicated server.
Did all the prerequisites and verified them by starting all over again.
The initial installation stops at step 8 of 15 with 'Unable to set shared config DC'
Restarted and redid setup, recognized incomplete installation but stops again at
Step 1 of 3: mailbox role: Transport service with error 'Unable to set shared config DC'
In examine the log file I find the following (I replaced the actual domain name with testcorp):
[11/13/2014 10:55:33.0263] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'Set-SharedConfigDC' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'DSVR0555.testcorp.co.uk', Preferred Global Catalog: 'DSVR0555.testcorp.co.uk', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ DSVR0555.testcorp.co.uk }'
[11/13/2014 10:55:33.0263] [2] Beginning processing Set-SharedConfigDC -DomainController:'DSVR0555.testcorp.co.uk' -ErrorVariable:'setSharedCDCErrors' -ErrorAction:'SilentlyContinue'
[11/13/2014 10:55:36.0539] [2] The call to Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service on server 'TopologyClientTcpEndpoint (localhost)' returned an error. Error details An error occurred during forest discovery (testcorp.co.uk)..
[11/13/2014 10:55:36.0539] [2] An error occurred during forest discovery (testcorp.co.uk).
The ipv6 interface is enabled and verified also via ping.
Any help/advise will be very appreciated.
Thank you