I am upgrading from Exchange 2007 to 2013 using the Exchange Server Deployment Assistant. I am at theConfigure service connection section.
My environment has three domains - a.com, b.com and c.com.
The exchange environment serves two related organizations with different domains - b.com and c.com.
a.com is *not* used for email addresses - just a domain name for accessing OWA. When a user in b.com or c.com access OWA they go to https://owa.a.com/owa.
When setting up the service connection point, what is the
autodiscover host name? The Exchange Server Deployment Assistant asks me to set a variable like this.
$AutodiscoverHostName = "autodiscover.contoso.com"
For my case would I use a.com? Or should I run through the steps twice - once for b.com and once for c.com?