What exactly is required for the virtual directory url setup for Exchange 2010 coexisting with Exchange 2013? I have been searching online a lot preparing for my Exchange 2013 deployment and can't see to find a clear answer. The information
I have come across from TechNet and other sources is all over the place with some stuff saying the external url needs to be empty while others say it should match Exchange 2013's setup. Others say the internal url should be empty while
only the external should be populated. And I have even seen others say nothing on Exchange 2010 has to be touched and that Exchange 2013 will figure proxying out on its own once I configure the new url's on it.
So what is supposed to be setup for the ExternalUrl and InternalURL to in Excahnge 2010 for coexistence with 2013? Currently my
existing Exchange 2010 is internet facing with the plan of moving that to Exchange 2013 once that goes in as per Microsoft directions on implementing coexistence.