suddnely i noticed some room mailboxes are not available in exchange server, but im sure they were there nearly a month before.
I used "search-adminauditlog" PS cmdlet with various parameters such as "set-mailbox","remove-mailbox","disable-mailbox" but no where i can find the audit logs specific to those lost mailboxes.
Search-AdminAuditLog -Cmdlets disable-mailbox -StartDate 08/01/2014 -EndDate 11/04/2014 >mailboxaudit_disablemailbox.txt
I beleive the AD account of those room mailboxes were deleted by someone which has indeed deleted the mailboxes from exchange server too, this is the reason why I cant see any audit report for those mailbox's in while im running the above PS cmdlets.
anyone have experienced the same issue and anymore ideas to identify what went wrong with those mailboxes?