All mailboxes migrated from 2007 to 2013, so next step is Public Folder migration. I think I've got all the steps laid out, but had one question about the PublicFoldertoMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 script. I've been messing around with the size parameter (ie. .\PublicFoldertoMailboxMapGenerator.ps1 300MB, etc.). The resulting csv lists the number of PF mailboxes I should created based on the size I input. In the results are things like: "Mailbox3","\IPM_SUBTREE\Telecommunications". Can I just renamed IPM_SUBTREE\Telecommunications to |IPM_SUBTREE\whatever? And does the migration just randomly distribute PF content among the PF mailboxes I create? Don't even know if it matters, but it seems odd to have it named IPM_SUBTREE\Telecommunications when it will contain PF folders from all different depts. Am I understanding it correctly?