We are providing Exchange 2010 today - in the past it was migrated from Exchange 2003. Now I am prepearing migration to Exchange 2013 - migration proces stopped with error message there is still Exchange 2003 server in configuration. I checked it through
Exchange management console and there are realy 2 servers in server summary screen. I did not find legacy Exchange2003 anywhere else in configuration. So I search through internet and found some artical with manual removing old records through ADSIedit
A removed the record from
Configuration\CN=Microsoft Exchange\CN=<Exchange Domain>\CN=Administratice Groups\CN=First Administratice Group\CN=Servers
there was one record with Exchange 2003 specification - so this has been deleted - but in the Exchange console I can still see the legacy Exchange2003 in the Server Summary.
Can somebody point me, what else I should check?
Note: There is still one record in:
Configuration\CN=Microsoft Exchange\CN=<Exchange Domain>\CN=Administratice Groups\CN=First Administratice Group\CN=Routing Groups\CN=First Routing Group\CN=Connection
which it seems define some connection between non existing Exchange2003 and current Exchange2010.
Should I remove this too? Is it safe?
Thanks for any help