Hello Everyone,
I've been installing Exchange servers since Exchange 5.5. I'm now installing Exchange 2013 with SP1 that will coexist with one Exchange 2010 SP3 server. I'm installing it on 2012 R2 Enterprise Edition. There is a root domain and one child domain. The Exchange Server is in the child domain. Even though I've run the .\setup PrepareSchema, AD and domain and all were successful I still get the message below when running Exchange setup. If I look at what /preparedomain does it seems like it has done what is needed. I've run the /prepareschema, /preparead and /preparealldomains in the root domain & have even run /preparedomain over and over in the child domain. Like I said everytime I run these they are successful. Oh and my account belongs to all the right groups needed to run these. Any ideas would be appreciated!
The local domain needs to be prepared using Setup /PrepareDomain before server roles can be installed.
For more information, visit: http://technet.microsoft.com/library(EXCHG.150)/ms.exch.setupreadiness.DomainPrepRequired.aspx