Hi we have 3 Exchange 2013 CU5 servers in a DAG setup and need to forward emails for some of the users to another domain. The problem is our outgoing spam filter seems to quarantine a lot of these emails which are not spam. The problem is that I
created a send connector for the domain we are forwarding to (say contonso.com for illustrative purposes). Gave the send connector the name contonso.com, selected use MX record (didn't select Use the external DNS lookup settings on servers with transport
roles) and added contonso.com in the address space gave it cost of 1. Added all the exchnage servers under source server. And clicked save. I then changed the cost to 2 on the main send connector with the domain as * which goes trhough our oput bound spam
filter yet email I send to one of the recipients with a forward inplace still go through that connector. Can anyone tell what i'm doing wrong or explain why this wouldn't work as expected ?