Hi everyone,
I am trouble i am trying to migrate from 2007 to 2013, i have done pre-req.. 2007 SP3 rollup 10 n all other
same DC i am trying to install Exchange 2103, Error log is below
hope someone will get me out of it
The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if (!$RoleIsDatacenter)
$createNewOab = $false;
$oabName = $null;
$oabAddressList = $null;
$oabVdirs = $null;
$oabGlobalWebDistribution = $false;
$oabConfiguredAttributes = $null;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Looking for an existing default OAB");
$defaultOab = Get-OfflineAddressBook -DomainController:$RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsDefault};
if ($defaultOab -ne $null)
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Found a default OAB: " + $defaultOab.Name + "; checking its version");
if ($defaultOab.ExchangeVersion.CompareTo([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ExchangeObjectVersion]::Exchange2012) -lt 0)
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Existing OAB is Exchange 2010 or older; will create a new OAB");
$createNewOab = $true;
$oabName = $defaultOab.Name + " (Ex2012)";
$oabAddressList = $defaultOab.AddressLists;
$oabGlobalWebDistribution = $defaultOab.GlobalWebDistributionEnabled;
$oabConfiguredAttributes = $defaultOab.ConfiguredAttributes;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Existing OAB is Exchange 2012 or newer; will not create a new OAB");
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Did not find a default OAB; will create one");
$createNewOab = $true;
$oabName = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.OfflineAddressBook]::DefaultName;
$nonDefaultOabWithDefaultName = Get-OfflineAddressBook $oabName -DomainController:$RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where {$_.IsDefault -eq $false};
if ($nonDefaultOabWithDefaultName -ne $null)
$createNewOab = $false;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning `
("Offline address book " + `
$nonDefaultOabWithDefaultName.Name + `
" already exists: " + `
$nonDefaultOabWithDefaultName.DistinguishedName + `
". Use administrative tools to change it to default OAB.");
$allGals = @(Get-GlobalAddressList -DomainController:$RoleDomainController | where {$_.IsDefaultGlobalAddressList});
if ($allGals -eq $null -or $allGals.Count -eq 0)
$createNewOab = $false;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning `
("Couldn't find the default global address list. The default offline address book can't be created.");
elseif ($allGals.Count -gt 1)
$createNewOab = $false;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning `
("Found " + $allGals.Count + " default global address lists. You can have only one default global address list in your organization.
The default offline address book will not be created.");
$oabAddressList = $allGals[0];
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("OAB will be based on default GAL: " + $oabAddressList.Name);
if ($createNewOab)
if ($oabGlobalWebDistribution -eq $false)
$currentAdSiteDn = (Get-ExchangeServer $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController:$RoleDomainController).Site.DistinguishedName;
$allOabVdirs = @(Get-OabVirtualDirectory -DomainController:$RoleDomainController);
$e15MinimumServerVersion = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ServerVersion([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.Server]::E15MinVersion);
if ($allOabVdirs -ne $null -and $allOabVdirs.Count -gt 0)
foreach ($oabVdir in $allOabVdirs)
if ([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ServerVersion]::Compare($oabVdir.AdminDisplayVersion, $e15MinimumServerVersion) -gt 0)
$oabVdirSiteDn = (Get-ExchangeServer $oabVdir.Server -DomainController:$RoleDomainController).Site.DistinguishedName;
if ($oabVdirSiteDn -eq $currentAdSiteDn)
$oabVdirs = $oabVdir;
elseif ($oabVdirs -eq $null)
$oabVdirs = $oabVdir;
if ($oabVdirs -ne $null)
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("OAB will be distributed to OAB virtual directory " + $oabVdirs.Name);
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Could not find any OAB virtual directories; OAB will be configured without distribution.");
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Creating new default OAB.");
$newOab = New-OfflineAddressBook `
-Name $oabName `
-AddressLists $oabAddressList `
-VirtualDirectories $oabVdirs `
-GlobalWebDistributionEnabled $oabGlobalWebDistribution `
-IsDefault $true `
catch [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADObjectAlreadyExistsException]
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning ("Tried to create new default OAB but the object already exists; it may have been created by another instance of setup.");
if ($oabConfiguredAttributes -ne $null)
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Setting OAB ConfiguredAttributes to: " + $oabConfiguredAttributes);
Set-OfflineAddressBook $newOab -ConfiguredAttributes $oabConfiguredAttributes -DomainController:$RoleDomainController;
" was run: "The task wasn't able to connect to IIS on the server 'XCHNG1.Lab.com'. Make sure that the server exists and can be reached from this computer: The RPC server is unavailable.