Dear all,
after migrating from Exchange 2007 (part of SBS 2008) to Exchange 2013 I came upon an issue with my OAB. All users state that they cannot download the OAB from their Outlook 2010/2013 clients. I checked serveral things on my Exchange 2013 server:
- I made sure that both InternalURL as well as ExternalURL are configured for my Ex2013 OAB
- I made sure that my Ex2013 OAB has been configured as Default OAB within my organization
- I made sure that Outlook "Test EMail-AutoConfiguration" receives a valid OAB URL (https://servmsx.eggs.local/oab/f34d6b53-9957-4c56-aa53-222e65b13157/) and identity
- I made sure that all corresponding Mailboxes have a OutlookAddressBook property configured (pointing to my Ex2013 OAB)
The Ex2013 OAB Name is "OAB (Default Web Site)", InternalURL is "https://servmsx.eggs.local/OAB", OfflineAddressBook is "\Standard-Offlineadressbuch (Ex2013)".
I tried to access the OAB with IE with URL "https://servmsx.eggs.local/oab/f34d6b53-9957-4c56-aa53-222e65b13157/", receive a logon prompt, enter valid credentials and then receive an HTTP 500 error. IIS Auth settings for Virtual Directory OAB are
as follows:
- Name : OAB (Default Web Site)
- BasicAuthentication : False
- WindowsAuthentication : True
- OAuthAuthentication : True
- InternalAuthenticationMethods : {WindowsIntegrated, OAuth}
- ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {WindowsIntegrated, OAuth}
- When checking the file system on my Ex2013 under "D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\ClientAccess\OAB" I don't find any subfolder "f34d6b53-9957-4c56-aa53-222e65b13157" as stated in the URL from Outlook. Only "bin", and web.config. No XML files or anything.
when executing "Get-OfflineAddressBook "Standard-Offlineadressbuch (Ex2013)" | fl" I receive:
- RunspaceId : 23cf835c-016b-45f5-97a5-a66ecbcacdb5
- Server :
- AddressLists : {\Globale Standardadressliste}
- Versions : {Version4}
- IsDefault : True
- PublicFolderDatabase :
- PublicFolderDistributionEnabled : False
- GlobalWebDistributionEnabled : False
- WebDistributionEnabled : True
- LastTouchedTime :
- LastRequestedTime :
- LastFailedTime :
LastNumberOfRecords : - LastGeneratingData :
- MaxBinaryPropertySize : 32768
- MaxMultivaluedBinaryPropertySize : 65536
- MaxStringPropertySize : 3400
- MaxMultivaluedStringPropertySize : 65536
- ConfiguredAttributes : {OfficeLocationUnicode, ANR, ProxyAddresses, ANR, PhoneticGivenName, ANR,GivenName, ANR, PhoneticSurname, ANR, Surname, ANR, Account, ANR,PhoneticDisplayName, ANR, DisplayName, ANR, IsOrganizational, Value, ExternalMemberCount, Value, TotalMemberCount, Value, ModerationEnabled, Value, DelivContLength, Value, MailTipTranslations, Value, ObjectGuid, Value...}
- DiffRetentionPeriod : 30
- Schedule : {So.05:00-So.05:15, Mo.05:00-Mo.05:15, Di.05:00-Di.05:15, Mi.05:00-Mi.05:15,Do.05:00-Do.05:15, Fr.05:00-Fr.05:15, Sa.05:00-Sa.05:15}
- VirtualDirectories : {SERVMSX\OAB (Default Web Site), SERVMSX\OAB (Exchange Back End)}
- AdminDisplayName :
- Identity : \Standard-Offlineadressbuch (Ex2013)
- IsValid : True
- ExchangeVersion : 0.20 (
- Name : Standard-Offlineadressbuch (Ex2013)
- DistinguishedName : CN=Standard-Offlineadressbuch (Ex2013),CN=Offline Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=eggs,DC=local
- Guid : f34d6b53-9957-4c56-aa53-222e65b13157
- ObjectCategory : eggs.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-OAB
- ObjectClass : {top, msExchOAB}
- WhenChanged : 14.08.2014 11:31:38
- WhenCreated : 14.08.2014 11:24:50
- WhenChangedUTC : 14.08.2014 09:31:38
- WhenCreatedUTC : 14.08.2014 09:24:50
- OrganizationId :
- OriginatingServer : GAIA.eggs.local
- ObjectState : Unchanged
What else is there to check? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Alexander Ollischer Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (FH) Citrix & Microsoft Certified Engineer (CCEA, CCEE, MCSA, MCSE, MCDBA, MCTS) Afontis IT+Services GmbH Baierbrunner Straße 15 81379 München Deutschland Telefon (089) 74 34 55-0 Fax (089) 74 34 55-55 Amtsgericht München, HRB 109 005 Geschäftsführer: Thomas Klimmer