In Exchange 2013, the RPC client access service now runs exclusively on mailbox role and no longer on CAS servers. THis has caused a rather unique issue wit ha client I'm at.
Said client uses a firewall to separate client machines from server VLAN. While thye normally only expose RPC/HTTP to the CAS servers in 2010, in 2013 this causes problems. WHat happens currently is if a client queries for an RPC CAS server he will get the current CAS 2010 servers and the 2013 MBX servers... which have no client ports open to them (nor do they want them). Eventually the problem will be solved on it's own when clients are upgraded to 2013, things are defaulted to MAPI over HTTPS etc ... but for now what it means is if anyone tries to setup a new profile there is a chance the service will attempt to bind to a mailbox server to which the client has no port access to.
with the remove-rpcclientaccessserver cmdlet gone in 2013, is there any way to disable the the publishing of the mailbox clienta ccess service in 2013? If I used the blockedclientversions option on just the 2013 servers ... would clients auto-attempt to connect to the 2010 CAS?
The goal here is to get the clients to ignore the 2013 RPC service until all upgrades and migrations are ready rather than exposing the mailbox servers before they've been tested/cleared.