after read the article 'http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd638158.aspx', we already have MBX and CAS 2007 running the lastest spk version and the SSL on the CAS 2007 is already working as 'LEGACY.DOMAIN.COM.BR' + 'Autodiscover.domain.com.br'+ 'mail.domain.com.br'.
My question is regarding the SSL request for the new server:
>>> Can I start the REQUEST for the external Certification Authority using Windows Powershell or IIS console instead to use 'Exchange Management Shell'??
* I´m afraid about the time (days) to install CAS 2010 on the new server, start the request to the CA, do the internal steps to aprove, pay the tax, wait for generation and then install the new SSL on the new server...