Hi all, and thinks in advance of any support.
We are running Exchange 2013 Standard Version 15.0 (Build 712.24)on Server 2008 R2 Standard
This is an upgrade from a migrated Exchange 2007
I am attempting to migrate mailboxes from the original database to a new local database on a slower storage tier.
The problem is that the mailbox (es) do not move. I am using the EMC migration GUI and setup the batch as per usual, selecting to move primary mailbox only (and not archive). The batch begins but results with 0 of 0 complete. There are also no Events logged.
I can create a new account, include it in the new DB and migrate that mailbox into whatever DB I like but a mailbox in the current DB will not move!
I’ve have checked permissions on mailboxes.
I’ve checked for move requests and cleared any that might exist. I double checked that no type of Moverequests exist i.e. CompletedWithWarning, CompletionInProgress, Failed
I’ve tried EMC and cmdlets.
I’ve tried archive and none archive assigned mailboxes…
Increased Bad Items limit on move
I tried new databases on different partitions.
And still no Errors or Warnings.
I hope you can provide some guidance.
We are running Exchange 2013 Standard Version 15.0 (Build 712.24)on Server 2008 R2 Standard
This is an upgrade from a migrated Exchange 2007
I am attempting to migrate mailboxes from the original database to a new local database on a slower storage tier.
The problem is that the mailbox (es) do not move. I am using the EMC migration GUI and setup the batch as per usual, selecting to move primary mailbox only (and not archive). The batch begins but results with 0 of 0 complete. There are also no Events logged.
I can create a new account, include it in the new DB and migrate that mailbox into whatever DB I like but a mailbox in the current DB will not move!
I’ve have checked permissions on mailboxes.
I’ve checked for move requests and cleared any that might exist. I double checked that no type of Moverequests exist i.e. CompletedWithWarning, CompletionInProgress, Failed
I’ve tried EMC and cmdlets.
I’ve tried archive and none archive assigned mailboxes…
Increased Bad Items limit on move
I tried new databases on different partitions.
And still no Errors or Warnings.
I hope you can provide some guidance.