Our customer has two smtp domains:
1. mail.xxx.com.sa (Exchange 2013 box) and it is up and running (2 mailbox servers and 2 cas servers) - 900 mailbox
2. mail.yyy.com.sa (POP3 email hosted on the cloud) - 26 mailboxes
The customer needs us to move the 26 mailboxes one shot to their exchange 2013 box and asks about the requirements, we provided the below:
1. Create an authoritative accepted domain in exchange 2013 of mail.yyy.com.sa
2. create mailboxes in exchange with primary (reply) address @yyy.com.sa
3. Contact DNS hosting provider to configure current MX record for mail.yyy.com.sa to point to the exchange server public IP (via firewall), create and A record for Autodiscover.yyy.com.sa to point to the same exchange server public IP
If the process above is correct, I wonder if users whom emails address is @yyy.com.sa have to put xxx (exchange domain NetBIOS name)\usersname when they open outlook or web access, can they login asusername@yyy.com.sa as username as IT manager expect those users will complain why they are logging with a username from xxx domain? Also, one the MX record for mail.yyy.com.sa point to the exchange server, will they be able to browse to https://mail.yyy.com.sa/owa or they need to usehttps://mail.xxx.com.sa/owa ?