Hi Guys,
I'm having issues installing the mailbox role on Exchange 2013
This is the error;
Error:The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true)
if (test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$sysMbx = $null;
$name = "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}";
$dispname = "Microsoft Exchange";
$mbxs = @( get-mailbox -arbitration -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -resultSize 1 );
if ( $mbxs.length -eq 0)
$dbs = @(get-MailboxDatabase -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController);
if ($dbs.Length -ne 0)
$arbUsers = @(get-user -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1);
if ($arbUsers.Length -ne 0)
$sysMbx = enable-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $arbUsers[0] -DisplayName $dispname -database $dbs[0].Identity;
if ($mbxs[0].DisplayName -ne $dispname )
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $mbxs[0] -DisplayName $dispname -Force;
$sysMbx = $mbxs[0];
# Set the Organization Capabilities needed for this mailbox
if ($sysMbx -ne $null)
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Setting mailbox properties.");
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $sysMbx -UMDataStorage:$true -Force;
# No RetentionPolicy assigned to E-Discovery arbitration mailbox currently, we need to set it here.
# This can be remove after BUG(O15#2555914) is fixed.
if ($sysMbx.RetentionPolicy -eq $null )
$arbitrationRetentionPolicy = @(Get-RetentionPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'ArbitrationMailbox'});
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $sysMbx -RetentionPolicy $arbitrationRetentionPolicy[0].Identity -Force;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Cannot find E-discovery arbitration mailbox with name=$name.");
write-exchangesetuplog -info "Skipping creating Discovery Arbitration Mailbox because of insufficient permission."
" was run: "Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.".
The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true)
if (test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$sysMbx = $null;
$name = "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}";
$dispname = "Microsoft Exchange";
$mbxs = @( get-mailbox -arbitration -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -resultSize 1 );
if ( $mbxs.length -eq 0)
$dbs = @(get-MailboxDatabase -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController);
if ($dbs.Length -ne 0)
$arbUsers = @(get-user -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1);
if ($arbUsers.Length -ne 0)
$sysMbx = enable-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $arbUsers[0] -DisplayName $dispname -database $dbs[0].Identity;
if ($mbxs[0].DisplayName -ne $dispname )
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $mbxs[0] -DisplayName $dispname -Force;
$sysMbx = $mbxs[0];
# Set the Organization Capabilities needed for this mailbox
if ($sysMbx -ne $null)
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Setting mailbox properties.");
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $sysMbx -UMDataStorage:$true -Force;
# No RetentionPolicy assigned to E-Discovery arbitration mailbox currently, we need to set it here.
# This can be remove after BUG(O15#2555914) is fixed.
if ($sysMbx.RetentionPolicy -eq $null )
$arbitrationRetentionPolicy = @(Get-RetentionPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'ArbitrationMailbox'});
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $sysMbx -RetentionPolicy $arbitrationRetentionPolicy[0].Identity -Force;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Cannot find E-discovery arbitration mailbox with name=$name.");
write-exchangesetuplog -info "Skipping creating Discovery Arbitration Mailbox because of insufficient permission."
" was run: "Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database".
The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true)
if (test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$sysMbx = $null;
$name = "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}";
$dispname = "Microsoft Exchange";
$mbxs = @( get-mailbox -arbitration -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -resultSize 1 );
if ( $mbxs.length -eq 0)
$dbs = @(get-MailboxDatabase -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController);
if ($dbs.Length -ne 0)
$arbUsers = @(get-user -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1);
if ($arbUsers.Length -ne 0)
$sysMbx = enable-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $arbUsers[0] -DisplayName $dispname -database $dbs[0].Identity;
if ($mbxs[0].DisplayName -ne $dispname )
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $mbxs[0] -DisplayName $dispname -Force;
$sysMbx = $mbxs[0];
# Set the Organization Capabilities needed for this mailbox
if ($sysMbx -ne $null)
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Setting mailbox properties.");
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $sysMbx -UMDataStorage:$true -Force;
# No RetentionPolicy assigned to E-Discovery arbitration mailbox currently, we need to set it here.
# This can be remove after BUG(O15#2555914) is fixed.
if ($sysMbx.RetentionPolicy -eq $null )
$arbitrationRetentionPolicy = @(Get-RetentionPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'ArbitrationMailbox'});
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $sysMbx -RetentionPolicy $arbitrationRetentionPolicy[0].Identity -Force;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Cannot find E-discovery arbitration mailbox with name=$name.");
write-exchangesetuplog -info "Skipping creating Discovery Arbitration Mailbox because of insufficient permission."
" was run: "Database is mandatory on UserMailbox.".
The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true)
if (test-ExchangeServersWriteAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$sysMbx = $null;
$name = "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}";
$dispname = "Microsoft Exchange";
$mbxs = @( get-mailbox -arbitration -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -resultSize 1 );
if ( $mbxs.length -eq 0)
$dbs = @(get-MailboxDatabase -Server:$RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController);
if ($dbs.Length -ne 0)
$arbUsers = @(get-user -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -ResultSize 1);
if ($arbUsers.Length -ne 0)
$sysMbx = enable-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $arbUsers[0] -DisplayName $dispname -database $dbs[0].Identity;
if ($mbxs[0].DisplayName -ne $dispname )
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $mbxs[0] -DisplayName $dispname -Force;
$sysMbx = $mbxs[0];
# Set the Organization Capabilities needed for this mailbox
if ($sysMbx -ne $null)
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Setting mailbox properties.");
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $sysMbx -UMDataStorage:$true -Force;
# No RetentionPolicy assigned to E-Discovery arbitration mailbox currently, we need to set it here.
# This can be remove after BUG(O15#2555914) is fixed.
if ($sysMbx.RetentionPolicy -eq $null )
$arbitrationRetentionPolicy = @(Get-RetentionPolicy -DomainController $RoleDomainController | where {$_.Name -eq 'ArbitrationMailbox'});
set-mailbox -Arbitration -identity $sysMbx -RetentionPolicy $arbitrationRetentionPolicy[0].Identity -Force;
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Info ("Cannot find E-discovery arbitration mailbox with name=$name.");
write-exchangesetuplog -info "Skipping creating Discovery Arbitration Mailbox because of insufficient permission."
" was run: "Database is mandatory on UserMailbox. Property Name: Database".