* First, I install Exchange 2013 SP1 on my server, so step 14 of 18 to 100% then alert error:
The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
$name = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxUniqueName;
$dispname = [Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.EnableMailbox]::DiscoveryMailboxDisplayName;
$dismbx = get-mailbox -Filter {name -eq $name} -IgnoreDefaultScope -resultSize 1;
if( $dismbx -ne $null)
$srvname = $dismbx.ServerName;
if( $dismbx.Database -ne $null -and $RoleFqdnOrName -like "$srvname.*" )
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info "Setup DiscoverySearchMailbox Permission.";
$mountedMdb = get-mailboxdatabase $dismbx.Database -status | where { $_.Mounted -eq $true };
if( $mountedMdb -eq $null )
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -info "Mounting database before stamp DiscoverySearchMailbox Permission...";
mount-database $dismbx.Database;
$mountedMdb = get-mailboxdatabase $dismbx.Database -status | where { $_.Mounted -eq $true };
if( $mountedMdb -ne $null )
$dmRoleGroupGuid = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.Management.RoleGroup]::DiscoveryManagement_InitInfo.WellKnownGuid;
$dmRoleGroup = Get-RoleGroup -Identity $dmRoleGroupGuid -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue;
if( $dmRoleGroup -ne $null )
trap [Exception]
Add-MailboxPermission $dismbx -User $dmRoleGroup.Name -AccessRights FullAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
Add-MailboxPermission $dismbx -User $dmRoleGroup.Identity -AccessRights FullAccess -DomainController $RoleDomainController -WarningAction SilentlyContinue;
" was run: "Failed to mount database "Mailbox Database 0487331505". Error: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: The database action failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionJetErrorRequiredLogFilesMissing:
Unable to mount database. (hr=0x80004005, ec=-543)
Diagnostic context:
Lid: 65256
Lid: 10722 StoreEc: 0xFFFFFDE1
Lid: 1494 ---- Remote Context Beg ----
Lid: 45120 dwParam: 0x667F9F
Lid: 57728 dwParam: 0x668155
Lid: 46144 dwParam: 0x66851E
Lid: 34880 dwParam: 0x66851E
Lid: 34760 StoreEc: 0xFFFFFDE1
Lid: 41344 Guid: 581e05de-0b68-45e0-af85-c1d96eb3e939
Lid: 35200 dwParam: 0x548
Lid: 46144 dwParam: 0x66885A
Lid: 34880 dwParam: 0x66885A
Lid: 56264 StoreEc: 0x1388
Lid: 46280 StoreEc: 0xFFFFFDE1
Lid: 1750 ---- Remote Context End ----
Lid: 1047 StoreEc: 0xFFFFFDE1 [Database: Mailbox Database 0487331505, Server: ex2013.dothanhauto.com]".
* After I run install Exchange 2013 SP1 again, so go to step 5 of 9 then alert error.
* Now, my Exchange 2013 not run. So bad. Please help me fix it! Thank you so much!