I have a problem with exchange 2013 install. I 've installed windows 2012 r2 on the new IBM server . and I've configured AD, DNS . While I was installing exchange 2013. I am seeing error message You can find error message below. .In order to this error message to solve. I 've tried ADSIEdit method So. I changed mydomain.local under shecma --> exchange--> services--> recepient --> mydomain.com
Ps. There was a sbs 2003 server in the company. But this sbs server has been changed with new ibm server. I 've added the all computers in the new domain. Therefore The new domain name with old domain.name same . There is 2 computers in the old domain on local area
The problem could be from the old domain
Error message :
$acceptedDomains = @{};
Get-AcceptedDomain | foreach {
$domainName = $_.DomainName.ToString();
if ($acceptedDomains.Contains($domainName)) {
Write-ExchangeSetupLog -Warning "Duplicate AcceptedDomain found. '$($acceptedDomains[$domainName])' and '$($_.Name)' both reference domain '$domainName'";
} else {
$acceptedDomains.Add($domainName, $_.Name);
function getSmtpTemplates ([string]$property)
$input |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty $property |
Where-Object {$_.PrefixString -eq "SMTP"} |
Foreach-Object {$_.AddressTemplateString -replace ".*@", ""};
function addDomains ([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.SystemConfiguration.AcceptedDomainType]$domainType)
$domain = $null;
$input |
Where-Object {-not $acceptedDomains.ContainsKey($_) -and -not $acceptedDomains.ContainsKey("*.$_")} |
Where-Object {[Microsoft.Exchange.Data.SmtpDomainWithSubdomains]::TryParse($_, [ref] $domain)} |
Foreach-Object {
$name = $domain.ToString();
# Test to see if email address policy matches a recipient policy
# with a wildcard domain before adding it
$needToAddDomain = $true;
While ($name.Contains(".")) {
$index = $name.IndexOf(".") + 1;
$name = $name.Substring($index);
if ($acceptedDomains.ContainsKey("*.$name")) {
$needToAddDomain = $false;
if ($needToAddDomain) {
$name = $domain.ToString();
if ($name.Length -gt 64) { $name = $name.Substring(0, 64) };
if ($acceptedDomains.ContainsValue($name) ) {$name = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()};
New-AcceptedDomain -Name:$name -DomainName:$domain -DomainType:$domainType;
$acceptedDomains[$domain.ToString()] = $name;
$emailAddressPolicies = Get-EmailAddressPolicy;
$emailAddressPolicies | getSmtpTemplates "NonAuthoritativeDomains" | addDomains "InternalRelay";
$emailAddressPolicies | getSmtpTemplates "EnabledEmailAddressTemplates" | addDomains "Authoritative";
" was run: "The accepted domain mydomain.com already exists.".
[04.29.2014 18:07:39.0473] [1] [ERROR] The accepted domain celikiswire.com already exists.
[04.29.2014 18:07:39.0473] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=CommonGlobalConfig___dcee6c5f86f24e85b5fe1e9cef0b175c Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\Shared\Datacenter\Setup
[04.29.2014 18:07:39.0473] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors.
[04.29.2014 18:07:39.0473] [1] Finished executing component tasks.
[04.29.2014 18:07:39.0488] [1] Ending processing Install-ExchangeOrganization
[04.29.2014 18:08:36.0194] [0] The registry key, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\V15\Setup, wasn't found.
[04.29.2014 18:08:36.0194] [0] CurrentResult setupbase.maincore:396: 0
[04.29.2014 18:08:36.0194] [0] End of Setup