I am trying to write a script to enable a mailuser (I do know the difference between mailuser and mailbox) and set a custom attribute for that mailuser. Every time I run the script I get "WARNING: The command completed successfully but no settings of <User DN> have been modified." Both commands being invoked work when typed manually into the exchange management shell on the exchange server itself. I am using the same administrator account in the script, and when I login to the exchange server to manually run the commands, so it shouldn't be a permission issue. Here is my script so far. If anyone can shed some light on what I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate it.
$excel = new-object -com excel.application
$wb = $excel.workbooks.open("c:\temp\testmail8.xlsx")
$ws = $wb.Worksheets.Item(1)
$row = 1
$s = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName microsoft.exchange -ConnectionUri http://<Exchange Server Name>/powershell -Credential administrator@domain.com
Do {
$Email = $ws.Cells.Item($row, 1).Value()
$Cat = $ws.Cells.Item($row, 2).Value()
invoke-command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {Enable-MailUser -ExternalEmailAddress $($args[0][0] + "@domain.com") -Identity $($args[0][0])} -ArgumentList (,$Email, $Cat)
invoke-command -Session $s -ScriptBlock {Set-MailUser -Identity $($args[0][0]) -CustomAttribute1 $($args[0][1])} -ArgumentList (,$Email, $Cat)
} While ($ws.Cells.Item($row,1).Value() -ne $null)