Hello Everyone,
I am doing the transition from Exchange 2007 to exchange 2013 and i am in the middle of it. and i have forgot to configure default offline address book in exchange 2007 and i have proceded with the installation of exchange 2013.
I have used the powershell commands in exchange 2007 and i got the below results( MAIL is my exchange 2007).
will i face any issues with the below results. I can see my offline address book to default in exchange 2007
Name Server Versions AddressLists
---- ------ -------- ------------
Default Offline Address List MAIL {Version2, Version3, Version4} {\Default Global Address List}
Default Offline Address List (Ex2013) Offline Address Lists {Version4} {\Default Global Address List}
Get-MailboxDatabase | Format-Table Name, Server, OfflineAddressBook -Auto
Name Server OfflineAddressBook
---- ------ ------------------
Mailbox Database MAIL \Default Offline Address List
I have other exchange 2007 servers i need to configure it to default so which of the two below commands should i use
Get-MailboxDatabase | Where {$_.OfflineAddressBook -eq $null} | Set-MailboxDatabase -OfflineAddressBook (Get-OfflineAddressBook | Where {$_.IsDefault -eq $True})
Get-MailboxDatabase | Set-MailboxDatabase -OfflineAddressBook "Default Offline Address Book"
I am doing the transition from Exchange 2007 to exchange 2013 and i am in the middle of it. and i have forgot to configure default offline address book in exchange 2007 and i have proceded with the installation of exchange 2013.
I have used the powershell commands in exchange 2007 and i got the below results( MAIL is my exchange 2007).
will i face any issues with the below results. I can see my offline address book to default in exchange 2007
Name Server Versions AddressLists
---- ------ -------- ------------
Default Offline Address List MAIL {Version2, Version3, Version4} {\Default Global Address List}
Default Offline Address List (Ex2013) Offline Address Lists {Version4} {\Default Global Address List}
Get-MailboxDatabase | Format-Table Name, Server, OfflineAddressBook -Auto
Name Server OfflineAddressBook
---- ------ ------------------
Mailbox Database MAIL \Default Offline Address List
I have other exchange 2007 servers i need to configure it to default so which of the two below commands should i use
Get-MailboxDatabase | Where {$_.OfflineAddressBook -eq $null} | Set-MailboxDatabase -OfflineAddressBook (Get-OfflineAddressBook | Where {$_.IsDefault -eq $True})
Get-MailboxDatabase | Set-MailboxDatabase -OfflineAddressBook "Default Offline Address Book"